Thursday, July 22, 2010

Discussion #3: Web-based Instruction

The Web is a valuable tool to teaching and learning. It can be used for instructional purposes and for administrative purposes. In instruction, the Internet is can be used to administer educational content and to support interaction/communication. Blogs, wikis, social networks, and course management software each have a role in education, and if used properly can provide very effective educational experiences. Like mentioned, the computer and Internet can also be used for administrative purposes; to create and distribute resources (flyers, charts, slideshows), to manage grades, and to design lesson plans to name a few.

WBI has many advantages, for example it is accessible from all over the world at any time. Asynchronous communication allows for flexible scheduling and time management. In addition, Web-based instruction can appeal to a variety of learning styles by the use of the different multimedia forms.

Although Web-based instruction is pertinent to the educational community, it also has certain limitations. One to mention is the Digital Divide between those who have computer and Internet access, and those who do not. This limits some students from being able to fully participate in Web-based instruction, and thus gives others an unfair advantage. Another pitfall of Web-based instruction is the lack of continuity and regulations. Some courses are improperly designed to just mimic the traditional setting, and are therefore not student-centered learning.

Proper attention to course design is key in creating an effective web-based learning experience. Designers should carefully structure online education to encourage student-based learning and interaction (both instructor-to-instructor and peer-to-peer). Instructors should make sure that all expectations are communicated from Day 1. Also, it is important for assignments and evaluations to be meaningful to the student. Proper feedback is one way for an instructor to accomplish this.

Web-based instruction, if properly designed and administered, can be an effective teaching and learning tool.

1 comment:

  1. Do you feel that "WBI" is useful for 3rd grade instruction?
